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My BIG list of Kindergarten Goals!
"Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I  remember.  Involve me and I learn"
-Benjamin Franklin-
  • I will learn that I am made by God and God loves me.
  • I will learn about love and that loving means helping, sharing, waiting, listening and praying.
  • I will learn that God knows my feelings and that my feelings are okay.
  • I will learn about the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
Language Arts (Reading/Writing)
  • I can write my first and last name. (start with a capital letter and the rest lowercase)
  • I know all 26 CAPITAL letters!
  • I know all 26 lowercase letters!
  • I know all my letter sounds!
  • I can identify first, middle and last sounds!
  • I can clap and count syllables.
  • I can recognize and produce rhymes!
  • I can read 30 sight words!
  • I can read CVC words.
  • I can identify short and long vowel sounds.
  • I can write a sentence. (start with a capital, use spaces and end with punctuation)
  • I can identify 2D shapes. (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon)
  • I can count to 100 by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's.
  • I can identify 3D shapes. (cone, sphere, cube, cylinder, prism, pyramid)
  • I can tell which group has more and which has less.
  • I can count any number of objects 1-20.
  • I can solve addition and subtraction problems within 10.
  • I can add more objects to make numbers 1-9 equal 10.
  • I can fluently add and subtract within 5.
  • I can write numbers 0 - 30.


  • I will learn about my five senses.

  • I will learn about forces and changes in motion. (Push and Pull)

  • I will learn about living things and their habitats. 

  • I will learn about plants and how they grow.

  • I will learn about the weather and climate.

Social Studies

  • I will begin to develop a sense of time and chronology using events in my own life.

  • I will begin to develop a sense of awareness of how geographers use maps.

  • I will learn about the concept of fairness and make group decisions.

  • I will explore different symbols of our nation.

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